

You may hear about this:

Weapons and resources spawn in buildings and structures, and like PUBG appears more frequently in populated areas. This doesn't immediately mean you should go there, as they will attract other players doing the same thing. Again, you need to weigh up the risk-reward of getting better loot while also coming up against more competition. It's always possible to strike a balance, building up the confidence to explore villages as your arsenal grows, or even ignore most buildings entirely.

Or this:

Anyone watching YouTube footage or a live stream of serious Fortnite players will see them engaging with any enemy they can find and they often go looking for that trouble. We're here to tell you that this is counterproductive to a winning strategy.
One of the biggest things you'll need to learn right away is that it's OK to not engage or to run away after an engagement has gone sour. Remember, your objective is to survive, not rack up a ridiculous kill/death ratio as if you're playing Call of Duty.


If you are looking for someplace to get cheap fortnite V-bucks, here is the best choice for you! MobilGa.com offer the best price for you so that you can play it with so fun!


New version by MobilGa.com!

MobilGa.com is back now!

We update game package about PS4 games on mobilga.com now. So we will show all of you how does these product work for your game on PS4.

First, you surely know that you can download the archives from ps4 or upload it on the cloud. So this is the basic principle we need use. Then we can change the archives that you send us, so once we get your archive we will mark it as the unique number and change it to the package you bought. After that we will use our own date to cover part of your archives date. It's a technological step but yes we can do it very soon. Save as usual, and then we send the archives back to you so that you can upload the archive on your PS4. Or download the archive form the cloud. At last you can play it again, all your progress are still there except the date we wanna change. That's how does the deliver work so that you have many packages, weapons also much money in your game account now. 

You may ask is it safe? Does my account will banned by the game company?
OK, here are the answers. The date that we change is legal date ingame for the game company. And the new archives date is also legal to game official. So this change is totally safe for all teh gamers. Besides, the operation is never has influence about you connecting the internet or playing on the PS machine. The most inportant is even we change the date, the game company will never banned your account because all the changes are under the legal operation. 

How about your order process?
Once your make an order, please contact our livechat because all the deliver requires your help. 
1.You need send us your archives.(Or you can download your archives to cloud if you are the psn membership.) 2.Then we change your archives. 3. At last we will send you the archives then you can upload it to your PS4 machine. (Or download the archives to PS machine from cloud.) 

MobilGa.com is new one now! Join us and enjoy the big promotion!